Vendor Application - Fractalfest 2023
August 24-27 | Moses Scout Reservation | Russell MA, USA
Fractalfest 2023 Vending Area is an entire attraction unto its own with the vision and stewardship of Unalome Designs! Centrally located between all the action at Moses Scout Reservation and paired right next to the entry of our kitchen vending building & our craft beer tent, this area will be a central artery for constant foot traffic throughout the duration of the event. Emphasis is placed on creating a fun and welcoming atmosphere which includes daytime flea market dj sets, silk acrobatics, visits from wandering performers & the FractalQuest hub. At night, we have overhead lighting to tastefully provide ambiance and quick access to a variety of the musical areas once your shop is closed up.
Matt Carey & Zach Fochi dj on Sat. afternoon @ SuperMerch vending area
Maple Steen performs silks at Fractalfest 2022 SuperMerch area
We expect approximately 1,500-2,000 people on site and accordingly have limited vending booths available as to not oversaturate the market. Additionally, we choose a variety of vendors who do not overlap in type of goods offered to maximize the potential sales for each booth. Extra emphasis is placed on local & custom handmade crafts, however that is not the only criteria we use for selection. If selected, it is mandatory to arrive on Wednesday August 23rd or before to be set up for the start of the festival. Additional on-site instructions will be sent closer to the dates upon acceptance and payment.
Vending booths fee’s include:
-2 tickets (one for you and one for an employee)
-Space for your vehicle behind your booth
-Space for camping behind your booth
-Vending booth spotlight image
-Pre-festival Fractalfest social media highlight
Please fill out & submit this form to the best of your abilities. Our vending coordinator will get back to you with further details