Volunteer Application - Fractalfest 2023
August 24-27 | Moses Scout Reservation | Russell MA, USA
Welcome to the Fractalfest 2023 volunteer application portal!
We are ecstatic that you are looking to get involved with our festival and want to volunteer your time and energy to help make this gathering possible. In our last edition, we had over 200 volunteers working in many different capacities to allow the festival to run smoothly. While there are a few of us in charge on the logistical end of things, the volunteers form the building blocks upon which we can create such a powerful experience. We pride ourselves in having a thoroughly organized event, which is similar to building a small city for a weekend with a functioning society. This takes passionate individuals like you!
This year, we have a variety of departments which will need passionate and hands on Fractilians. Whether you are available pre, during, or post-festival, there are valuable positions to be filled! No matter your skill level or expertise, your support is integral to the success of this festival. Generally, volunteer requirements will be appx 16 hours over the course of the 4 day festival & for pre/post festival it will be a bit more.
If you know about what we do, we value our staff and volunteers having their shit together! All staff and volunteers are required to be sober during their shifts and to act with integrity as you will be representing our tribe. Every position is important and just like a fractal, everything comes together to be a part of the working whole.
This year we will have a special tier volunteer ticket to purchase once accepted and assigned your shifts. You will be refunded the value of the ticket upon completion of your volunteer requirements. This is our 10 year anniversary, we’ve learned not to let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. To do that, we’ve had to adjust our accountability methods to ensure all report to their shifts on time and in the appropriate state of mind.
Long story short, we are looking forward to facilitating magic and co-creating this experience with you all.
The Fractal Tribe
Decoration Build @ The Fractal Factory for Build Crew
Merchandise & Info Area @ Fractalfest 2018
Please fill out & submit this form to the best of your abilities. Our volunteer coordinator will get back to you with further details