Myofascial Release: What’s LOVE got to do with it?

Presenter: Dr. Eliot Smalheiser | Time: Sunday - August 27, 12:00-1:00pm | Location: Super™Void

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Workshop Description
Love has a lot more to do with muscles and fascia than you think! Myofascial release is a massage / therapeutic touch technique used to release tight and restricted tissues in the body. By allowing loving gentle stretching/compression we can release and move stagnant energy, tone, injury, and pain! “The issue’s in the tissues” goes beyond that old adage, and zeros in on the real reason for pain–be it chronic, recent, or emotional. Bringing a loving approach to our bodies can open up a new way of relating to our tissues and I am excited to share that with you in this interactive workshop!

Presenter Bio

For my professional work, I've had over 6 years as an outpatient PT; 5 years in homecare; 1 year in private practice delivering only MFR work. I have been drawn to hands-on body work as well as massage techniques.

Noticing a lot of the positive and long lasting changes have come from addressing our psycho-emotional attachment to pain, while guiding it on the physical level to release and educate us on why it was there in the first place. This led me to finding fascial work, and then again to John F. Barnes MFR technique. It is an approach that marries the physical and energetic bodywork that I crave.