Brooke Berger
Gentle Yoga w/ Meditative Sound Bath Journey
workshop cathedral
thursday 8/24 @ 1:00pm
sunday 8/27 @ 11:30am
Presenter bio
My name is Brooke Berger. A big part of my mission here on Earth with corespondance to the Beyond, is to create a THRIVING WORLD on a Micro and Macro level. I love and hold the vision for us to be able to weave collectively to create a better today and tomorrow , for the generations to come. This means, for me to be there to support individuals in their spiritual, soul journey, to create a life of their actualized dreams into a beautiful reality. We have ALL come here with a great purpose. All it takes to live a life of your mission and true authentic expression and power is to live from the heart and reconnect to source. Being able to assist people in awakening their purpose and true power is part of my life work. Thank you for entering this sight. I encourage us all to tap in , tune in , unveil the sacredness in the depths within and live a life we are proud of. My biggest prayer and intention is for us to awaken to a life we can truly enjoy for ourselves and each other.
I have been a Yoga Instructor for 6 years, trained in Vinyassa in South Florida. I facilitate Sound Journeys using Hang Drum, Crystal Singing Bowls, 4 Elemental Koshi bells, Drums, Rattles, Rainstick and much more. Weekly classes for Yoga and Sound Journey are available on many online classes, as well as in groups or privates. I am very passionate about the wellbeing of mind, body, soul, heart connection and utilize many modalities of Life/ Soul Coaching and Counseling. In a session, we focus on activating and awakening the individual's true purpose , authentic expression, passions and power. During a session, I give encouragement, support, assist with life path, focus on letting go of what no longer serves and filling up with what is in better alignment. I am also REIKI Level 2 Certified. During a Reiki Session, we may work with crystals as well.
workshop description
This begins with a guided meditation and breath guidance to ease everyone into their bodies, being, connect to source and connection to the earth. Then we move into a gentle yoga flow~ lots of stretching and simple Asana postures. I big theme I speak to during is based on metaphysical teachings. Last I guide everyone to lay down in resting pose as I play instruments over and around everyone. I play, drums, tongue drum, rattles, rain sticks, numerous crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, flute, 4 elemental Koshi chimes.