Eliot Smalheiser

Fascial Movement with Spirit
healing oasis
saturday 8/26 @ 10:30am


Presenter bio

Originally from Chicago, IL, I moved to Boston for university, and have become entranced with the mountains and ocean. I graduated from Simmons University in 2016, as a licensed physical therapist. I have outpatient clinic as well as home care experience. I have studied with School Yoga Institute as well as with John F. Barnes, PT Myofascial Release Therapy continuing education. As a person who identity as “Queer”, I have experience and exposure to environments I have assumed was welcoming and was not, as well as have assumed was NOT safe and turned out to be rewarding! Unfortunately those including health care are still inconclusive on it’s stance for safe-space. I am passionate about creating this safe space for my clients, and helping every body feel at-home in their skin. Over the years, I became frustrated with insurance companies limiting people who were making positive gains, and cutting them off without explanation, including myself!! Since then I have made it my passion to provide services to my clients without third-party-payer requirements or restrictions, and have instead turned toward the client and myself to establish goals and plan of care to excel. On their terms, with their consent.

workshop description

Fascia is the interconnected network of connective tissue in our bodies. It is broken up into two varieties- superficial and deep fascia. It holds the shape, space, and tension to keep us upright, mobile, flexible, strong, and joyous. Tension or pain in this system can have widespread effects like chronic pain, muscle or bone injuries, stomach/GI dysfunction, and cramp our spirit and mental health. It spans from as broad and wide as the IT Band down to the individual cell! Some sources say it is also a hollow structure that transports light throughout our bodies - different sources say this is the root of our consciousness. Its chaotic structure is repetitive in nature such that it can be likened to the fractal nature of the universe. This workshop is designed as an introduction to the fascial network that lives in each and every one of use, and can even resonate between one person to the next. Through the use of breath, imagination, and movement we can connect into this system to release tension, pain, and improve our connection to self, spirit, and body. Everyone's birth right is to be safe in their body. This is the intension of health and movement through the fascial network.